CCD Class Schedule 2023-2024

Grades 2-7 Classes begin at 9:00 a.m. and students are to be picked up at church after dismissal.  We strongly encourage families to attend Mass together. September 17, 2023, Safe Environment, orientation for parents and students Students will go home with their own books with an assignment for the next class. The assignment should be […]


Orientation is on September 17, 2023 Grades 2-7 is at 9:30 am Grades 8-10 is at 4 pm. Both in cafeteria Students and parents must attend.

CCD Registration

will begin on August 22 and end on September 1, 2023 at noon. Registration forms are located in church or you may register at the church office. Late registration will only be taken until classes begin. Late fee after September 1, will be $25. First graders should register and will have requirements to meet before […]